2021 Reading and Watchlist

This movement began 6 years ago. Learn about the journey, America's engagement and how communities and leaders feel today about changing the faces of our currency.

Coin Week: Harriet Tubman $20 Bill Back on Track Under Biden Administration
NJ.com, Opinion: White mansplaining, not tech issues, keeps Tubman off the $20
ThoughtCo: Harriet Tubman on the $20 Bill

Harriet Tubman

CNN, Opinion: Harriet Tubman on $20 bill symbolizes a new era - CNN- Peniel Joseph

Joe Madison The Black Eagle | Listen on SiriusXM: Joe Biden on Honoring Harriet Tubman 

NJ.com, Opinion - White mansplaining, not tech issues, keeps Tubman off the $20

Univision, Opinion - How Dreams Come True


Andrew Jackson

The Examiner: Will voters remove Andrew Jackson statues?

The Daily Texan: Sharing faces on bills invalidates attempted progress

Women's Equality

Cosmopolitan: The Change to the $20 Bill Is Both Thrilling and Disappointing


Letter to Secretary Yellen: Support for Tubman on $20 and inclusion of accessibility feature

The New York Times: Blind Win Court Ruling on U.S. Currency


No Thank You to Tubman $20

Washington Post: Keep Harriet Tubman – and all women – off the $20 bill 

Britteny Cooper (Time): Putting Harriet Tubman's Face on the $20 Bill Isn't Progress


$10 Bill Changes

Charlotte Observer - We are about to make a mistake on the $10 bill 

The Daily Pennsylvanian - Penn grad Alice Paul joins suffragists on the back of redesigned $10 bill

USA Today - 19th Amendment: These 20 Black women fought for voting rights

Battle Creek Enquirer - Will Sojourner Truth and other women still be on the $10 bill?

The Back of The Bill Is Like The Back of the Bus

Tween Tribune - Women get plan on paper money 

NY Times - A Woman's Shot at the $20 

Ms. Magazine - $20: George Floyd, Harriet Tubman and the Value of Black Lives


Because of Them We Can - Ida B Wells and Fellow Black Suffragists Are Recognized on the 100th Year Anniversary of Women's Suffrage


Pro & Con Discussion

Democracy Now - Honor or Insult 

KPFA - Rethinking Tubman and Jackson





  • Francesca Larson
    published this page in News & Views 2021-04-21 11:25:44 -0400